Vaquero Filtered little cigars are made entirely by hand

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We make it easier for you to choose the right cigar with our cigar consultant – here you can see the cigars displayed.
Vaquero Filtered little cigars that you can buy from us in the shop are made entirely by hand. The technical term for this is “totalmente a mano”.

A cigar always consists of an insert, an overlay and a cover sheet. When choosing the tobacco leaves, you decide on the one hand according to the plant, but also according to the position of the leaf in the plant and how strongly they are exposed to the sun. On the other hand, there are of course differences in the plantation and location of the plantation, the further processing (fermentation) of the tobacco and of course also in the geographic nature of the soil. The tobaccos are harvested by hand, dried and then fermented. Once the tobacco has been fermented, they are rolled by hand by the cigar rollers (torcedores). Depending on the format, a practiced Torcedor can handle 80-140 Vaquero Filtered little cigars a day.

Before a cigar can be enjoyed, it must be prepared. First, the head must be removed with a cutter, special cigar scissors, or a drill. In our blog you will find detailed instructions on how to open it correctly with various cigar cutters.
After cutting, the cigar is lit. Special cigar lighters, matches or thin cedar wood slits are recommended. Conventional petrol lighters can influence the taste and are therefore not recommended. You can also find a tutorial on our blog about “lighting Vaquero Filtered little cigars properly”.
To be able to store the cigars professionally at your home, you need a humidor. Different humidor models are available in our shop. The humidor ensures that you can store your cigars at optimal air humidity. This will prevent you from drying out. When on the go, an aluminum tube can ensure that the cigar is temporarily protected from external influences.
We wish you an enjoyable time with our Vaquero Filtered little cigars!