Perdomo little cigars are the best traditions of the Cuban torsedors

Perdomo little cigars are considered an elite Nicaraguan brand, the tobacco product has become a symbol of quality and perfection. The product is the embodiment of the best traditions of the Cuban torsedors, as well as the family secrets of Perdomo, where three generations have devoted themselves and their lives to the art of making elite vitolas.

Perdomo little cigars are considered an elite Nicaraguan brand, the tobacco product has become a symbol of quality and perfection. The product is the embodiment of the best traditions of the Cuban torsedors, as well as the family secrets of Perdomo, where three generations have devoted themselves and their lives to the art of making elite vitolas.

The history of Perdomo little cigars goes back to the 30s of the last century and leads to the deepest Cuba. At that time, the namesake and founder Silvio Perdomo began to deal more and more with the subject of cigars in San Jose de las Lajas and worked for various factories that were very respectable at the time and well-known names such as Cuesta y Cia, H.-Upmann Factory and Real Fábricas de Tabaco Partagás contributed. The result was an excellent education with the best opportunities available at that time. The dream of establishing itself in the tobacco business was firm, but Nick Perdomo should one day continue to run the company that Silvio Perdomo wanted to build with passion.

The Cuban Revolution brought a hard fate to Perdomo. Known as friends of the Batistas, Perdomo was imprisoned for 12 years in four different prisons using tough torture methods. Perdomo was therefore unable to pursue his dream. Nicholas Perdomo therefore followed in his father’s footsteps very early and was able to demonstrate his skills in the Partagás company, in which his father had also served. But the Cuban revolution also hit him hard. Guerrillas fatally injure Perdomo Junior. Only by fleeing to the United States did Nick Perdomo escape the revolution and the struggles. Thin the adopted country USA. In honor of his father, he realized the dream of having his own cigar brand and founded the Perdomo brand. Initially, he temporarily rolled the cigars in his own garage. However, from the very beginning with perfection and dedication. Today the Perdomo little cigars are made exclusively in Nicaragua.