- January 14, 2021
Montecristo little cigars reflect the best centuries-old traditions
The Montecristo little cigars are exquisite Cuban Havanas with a thin oily cover, rich taste and aroma. The taste is pungent, slightly pungent with predominant cedar wood, valerian and cypress.
From the first third, the Montecristo little cigars show their character, there are peppery and vanilla notes of taste, successfully combined with vanilla and milk iris. The second third in its entirety shows the richness of taste and sophistication of aromas, wood is surprisingly combined with animal shades, and spicy notes with the aroma of strong coffee.
Vitola is smoked quickly enough, therefore, the strength grows rapidly, in the end, the aroma of coffee is replaced with dark chocolate, floral shades are added, which makes Montecristo little cigars really flawless.
Havana has a high strength category, so it is recommended for experienced smokers who are able to fully appreciate all the delights of the famous Cuban vitola brand. As an accompaniment, you should give preference to weak drinks with a sweetish taste; the ideal solution here would be a well-aged Cuban rum.
The Robusto format, in which the Montecristo little cigars are made, is not inferior in relevance to the most popular Corona format. Robusto means “strong” (translated from Spanish) which fully corresponds to reality. They are especially loved by connoisseurs of strong combinations. OPEN MASTER cigars have coffee aromatic notes, and their taste is perfectly balanced and characterized by bittersweet accents. The approximate smoking time is about an hour. Great for
daily smoking. Despite the strength, smoking is light and cool.
The idea of classifying cigars by release format was formulated in the middle of the 19th century. Cuba is the only country where the release formats are enshrined in legislation, and this is not at all surprising – after all, it is here that the lion’s share of high-quality Montecristo little cigars is produced, which are associated with wealth and grace. For 70 years, the Montecristo little cigars brand has been one of the most popular among smokers around the world.
These Montecristo little cigars reflect the best centuries-old traditions.