Double Diamond little cigars are best rated by consumers

Double Diamond little cigars are a smart choice for smokers looking for an inexpensive filtered cigarillo to enjoy at any time of the day. Made in India, the core of these small 100-millimeter cigars are high-quality tobacco from Brazil, Mexico and other South American countries for a consistently rich and aromatic smoke. Double Diamond little cigars are available in the flavors black cherry, grape and menthol as well as in the natural flavors full and mild. In addition, the filters are 20 mm shorter than most filter tip cigarillos, which means you get more tobacco taste with every puff. Offered in packs of 20 cigarillos and boxes of 10 packs (200 cigarillos) for just a few cents per smoke, Double Diamond little cigars are excellent value for cigarillo fans as well as for former cigarette smokers who switch to cigars -Relationship.

Double Diamond little cigars are best rated by consumers who have switched from cigarettes to cigarillos or small cigars. Double Diamond little cigars are filled with premium tobacco and offer a good quality of combustion and a deep lung blow. While cigarettes have long been manipulated to increase nicotine delivery, most options for cigars and pipe tobacco have not. For this reason, many discerning smokers will enjoy Double Diamond little cigars long after smoking their last cigarettes.

The main feature of Double Diamond little cigars are their exceptionally short filters. These measure only 10 millimeters, while other cigar brands usually have tips with 30 millimeters. This means that smokers get a lot more tobacco if they puff on Double Diamond little cigars while still paying the same cheap price.

How Double Diamond little cigars Are Made

The characteristic tobacco blend of Double Diamond little cigars consists of fermented and dried South American tobacco from countries such as Brazil and Mexico. After the tobacco leaves are harvested for Double Diamond cigars, these leaves are exposed to a combination of heat and shade that facilitates fermentation by reducing their internal sugar content without causing rotting. As soon as the leaves have aged perfectly, they are cut and bundled into tight, small rolls that offer enough space for the airflow. The result is small, easy-to-carry cigarillos that are perfect for smoking. Double Diamond little cigars are the ideal option for most consumers due to their low price and the rich flavors they offer.