- September 22, 2023
Chesterfield little cigars with a Natural Wrapper
Chesterfield little cigars with a Natural Wrapper are of very high quality and convincing price. This cigarillo has been on the market for a long time and is very popular. Very high quality tobacco and natural wrappers are used in the production of this cigarillo.
The Natural Wrapper of Chesterfield little cigars is one of the typical American blend cigarillos.
Chesterfield little cigars provide a great smoking experience. Small cigars are once again very popular among smokers, especially the typical American cigarillos. Celebrities such as James Dean, Humphrey Bogart, and President Ronald Reagan have already smoked Chesterfield little cigars.
Chesterfield little cigars are often referred to as the little brother of cigars, which speaks to their difference from cigars. Typically, a cigarillo is about half the length and width of a thicker cigar. Because cigarillos are made from the same tobacco as cigars, they can be either longfiller, consisting of a whole long tobacco leaf, or shortfiller, consisting of shorter, snipped leaves.
The manufacturing processes are fundamentally different. The former are made with skilled manual labor and are therefore relatively rare and expensive. Shortfillers are produced by machine and are therefore quite cheap. To make cigarillos, tobacco leaves are twisted and wrapped in a wrapper, as in the case of Chesterfield cigarillos.
This brand gained fame in the 1950s, mainly due to its high quality and advertising. The Chesterfield brand was born in 1873 in the state of Missouri, USA. At that time, it was still being developed by the Drummond Tobacco Company in St. Louis. Chesterfield was later taken over by other tobacco manufacturers, and in 1998 it was sold to Altria Group, an international company offering not only tobacco products, but also wine and various financial services.
In the 1950s, the brand was at the height of its popularity. Thanks to advertisements on radio stations, appearances in movies and commercials featuring famous personalities, more and more people began to take notice of the brand. Today, Chesterfield is no longer advertised, but remains one of the most popular cigarette brands. Ordering of these tobacco items in our online store is beneficial and reasonable.