Braniff Exclusive Little cigars are an innovation on the market as an optimized fine cut

Braniff Exclusive Little cigarsare a high-quality brand from the Villiger company, which is known for its diverse range of cigars and cigarillos. In addition to the diverse Braniff cigarillos, the Braniff tobacco is an innovation on the market as an optimized fine cut. Leaf ribs and solid components are filtered out of the Braniff tobacco, so that the tobacco only consists of very finely cut tobacco leaves.

Braniff Exclusive Little cigars are a well-known brand that has convinced consumers of modern filter cigarillos with a good price-performance ratio at a consistently high quality level since 2002. BRANIFF also launches the SNUFF Braniff Exclusive Little cigars. In addition to two classic snuff variants, made from cigarillo tobacco, there are also two tobacco and nicotine-free variants from SNUFF.
With the Braniff Exclusive Little cigars of Natural Cover Sheet Blue, Villiger complements the well-known Braniff Exclusive Little cigars brand family .

The filtered Braniff Exclusive Little cigars consist of an exquisite American blend blend and are equipped with a high quality natural wrapper. In addition, Villiger has matched the filling quantity of the tobacco to an optimal draft resistance. Braniff lovers can look forward to a significantly improved taste experience.
The Braniff Exclusive Little cigars appeal to the lovers of filter cigarillos who prefer a spicy aroma structure and a strong taste.
We sell the Braniff Exclusive Little cigars here in our on shop, from the subtle taste in the silver packaging to the subtle blue to the strong, spicy red braniff.

With these inexpensive filtered Braniff Exclusive Little cigars, the filter is open and visible like a cigarette. The filter cigarillo consists of a natural wrapper. These Braniff Exclusive Little cigars are offered in the king size format.
The Braniff Exclusive Little cigars are made according to an old tradition. Only the highest quality tobacco is used for these cigarillos.
A unique blend of Virginia, Burley and Orient tobacco gives the Braniff Exclusive Little cigars the fine American blend flavor.
To properly appreciate the brand, order these Braniff Exclusive Little cigars in our online shop.