You can purchase Vaquero Filtered little cigars without any risk from us

Vaquero Filtered little cigars are sold with good acessories for them. A good cigar is one thing, a practical accessory is another. In most cases, smoking Vaquero Filtered little cigars takes a little more than a lighter and a cigar. Particularly high-quality cigars are handmade and the smoker must complete or begin the enjoyment.

A cigar cutter is a very practical and effective tool for this, at home you can use cigar scissors if you don’t always want to carry them around with you. With a particularly sharp blade, the Vaquero Filtered little cigars can be cut off easily and without risk of injury and the smoking pleasure can begin.

Connoisseurs will also appreciate Vaquero Filtered little cigars, among other things, because with this method the draw of a cigar can be optimized and cutting off is not necessary. You can show yourself safely and in proper style and prove that high-quality enjoyment begins with the preparatory work even in the smallest detail. Which goes better with which cigar is probably due to the smoker’s preference. Regardless of whether it is a cigar punch, cutter or scissors: the result counts.

WE ARE STILL HERE FOR YOU – first of all we hope you are fine!

Due to the current Corona crisis, we would like to assure you that our online shop will continue to work as usual and that we will do everything in our power to offer you the reliable service you are used to.

Our supply chains are currently secured, but at the moment we cannot assess the extent to which there will be restrictions and delays on the part of our suppliers and subcontractors.

In order to protect your health, we ensure that our employees in logistics comply with the necessary hygiene regulations when packing the Vaquero Filtered little cigars.

However, in order to protect our employees, we have decided to secure your health when buying Vaquero Filtered little cigars by keeping strict protective measures. You can buy Vaquero Filtered little cigars from our online shop without any risk for your health.