Already in 1818, Toscano little cigars became a classic of the tobacco genre

Since 1818, Toscano little cigars are considered a classic of tobacco products and a favorite of gourmets around the world, along with the famous Italian cuisine and luxury wines!

The masterpiece of tobacco art, the Toscano little cigars, were created by accident. According to one legend, in the summer of 1815, at an enterprise in the city of Florence, a large consignment of selected tobacco was either intentionally or inadvertently left in the yard. Suddenly a downpour began. The tobacco leaves not hidden in the warehouse were completely soaked. In the hot Italian climate, they soon fermented and fell into disrepair. However, the director of the factory did not want to throw away a huge amount of tobacco just like that, so all the leaves were used to produce cheap cigarillos for ordinary people.

There was no limit to the surprise of the management of the enterprise when they saw that the whole batch immediately sold out, and not because of the affordable price, but because of the powerful smoky-spicy taste of Toscano little cigars, which was more interesting and unusual than the one that was present in the usual rulers.

So, quite by accident, in 1815 a very important process of preparing tobacco leaves for the magnificent Italian Toscano little cigars appeared – the so-called sourdough, popularly known as fermentation.

The process lasts on average thirty to fifty days and plays an important role in the popularity of the brand … As a result, thanks to chance and still the efforts of the factory’s manufacturers, already in 1818 Toscano little cigars became a classic of the tobacco genre …

When making Toscano little cigars, great attention is paid to raw materials. For the production of “Tuscany” (as connoisseurs call them), as a rule, Kentucky tobacco is used, which grows in the provinces of Lazio, Benevento (accounting for 45% of national production), Umbria, Veneto and Tuscany. It was one of the first varieties of tobacco that began to be exported at the beginning of the nineteenth century from the United States of America to Italy for the manufacture of real Toscano little cigars.