How to store the Winchester little cigars

Let’s try to figure out what’s the matter.

Almost any cigar lover, especially a beginner, has faced at least once a very important problem: “How can you store the Winchester little cigars correctly?” … For cigars, a certain temperature, and more important – humidity regime is required. When we tell my acquaintances about this, then most often we come across the fact that people do not always understand correctly what they are talking about. No, we don’t think, of course, that all acquaintances are dull people; it’s
probably difficult for many to understand that Winchester little cigars are not living beings. It may not be an entirely appropriate comparison, but, believe me, it is VERY EFFECTIVE.

The purchased box must be prepared without any failure to store the Winchester little cigars. How? Open the humidor. Examine the interior surfaces carefully again. All wooden surfaces should be moistened with a sponge and clean water. Any water will do, distilled water is better, but you can also use slightly mineralized water without gas.

Apply a generous amount of moisture to the sponge and wipe down all wood surfaces to keep the interior moistened. Excess – remove. Close the humidor for an hour or two. Then, open and repeat the procedure one more time. The number of water treatments depends on the type of wood. Usually, it is enough to perform at least 4-5 such actions during the day. Be sure to close the drawer after each soak. The next day everything is repeated, only the number of “bathing” is reduced to a minimum – 2-3 times. On the 3rd day – once again carry out the control “bathing” no more than twice a day. After each procedure, thebbox must be closed.

Then you put a hygrometer (a device for determining the level of humidity) inside and, under the control of its readings, wet the humidifier that comes with it. Humidifiers most often contain a sponge inside, used in floristry. It also needs to be well wetted and soaked. The hygrometer after a properly carried out water procedure will show 80-90%. Don’t be scared by the slightly off scale figures! Open the humidor for a couple of hours to ventilate.