Toscano little cigars are a lifesaver

Toscano little cigars: the unrivaled Toscano in a small format. Produced at a factory in Lucca (Italy), only from 100% dark Kentucky fire-dried tobacco. Due to its size, the cigaril has the original taste of typical Tuscany, which can be enjoyed in a shorter period of time. Piccolo: small format but rich in flavor.

Toscano little cigars are a roll of tobacco leaves filled with chopped tobacco. Perfect for those who love sophistication and sophistication in taste, thanks to various aromas, they conquered not only men, but also women.

Don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in a taste of Caribbean delight with a latte or a cool cocktail!

The taste is dominated by Kentucky tobaccos mainly from southern Italy (Campania and Umbria) and imports. The tobacco undergoes a special fermentation process that gives it an unusual aroma.

Meet Toscano little cigars in Piccolo format! Transfers this strong character to its palatability. The taste is dominated by Kentucky tobaccos mainly from southern Italy. The tobacco undergoes a special fermentation process that gives it an unusual flavor.

Toscano little cigars carry this full, unique and intense flavor. Sweet woody notes with hints of leather and almond will appeal to both true Tuscany lovers and cigar beginners alike.

Smoking of Toscano little cigars is quite good. But you should buy exactly the full-size Toscano, and not their options cut in half. “Halves” are not as comfortable to use as normal Toscano little
cigars. But on the other hand, these half cigars are covered with the glory of the Italian Risorgimento. Italians believe that their ardent admirer and fighter for the unification of Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi, was the first who thought of cutting Toscano into two parts.

The taste of Toscano little cigars is specific. Their simple series, which sells for Euros a piece, does not have a trace of the refinement sometimes seen in the more expensive Toscano “releases”.

We tell about Toscano little cigars in such details due to the fact that several years ago, sold for a package of five pieces, in fact, Toscano little cigars were our only digestible hand-rolled cigars that “did not find themselves on trash heap”. Therefore, in difficult moments of life, they became for such inveterate smokers a real “lifesaver”.